…for a very important and special event. Two weeks ago today, the dearest sister in the world celebrated her 25th birthday! Lynn loves birthday celebrations and starts counting down a month (sometimes 2!) ahead of time. Though we tease her, it’s a delight for all of us and we all (especially Bruce) try to find small ways to “out do” the year before. This year was no different and the surprises lasted for several days. I’m not sure what we’re going to do next year…. guess we should start planning now!
I don’t have memories from when Lynn was born – I was only 18 months old. But as the story goes, the nickname she hated as a teen and lovingly accepts now, was my doing. When they put her in the car next to me for the ride home, I asked Momma, “Is this my sister, Lynnie?” The rest is history. I loved her from the very start. She was my playmate, my constant companion. The one who taught me to fight fair, if at all and only if it was really right and worth it.
Lynn is my friend, the most loyal friend I’ve ever had. No one can get to me if she’s around. She may not like what I’m doing, but no one else is going to fuss at me in her presence. But she’s not blind, she’ll tell me the truth always with my reputation at heart and never to lessen me in front of someone else. She is faithful…
And fun! She has the best sense of humor and this knack for making up words in the middle of a debate that keep us in stitches! Lynn is the spice that keeps life from being bland. Without her life would simply be dull. She’s tenderhearted and spunky, sweet and sassy, and very full of life.
Lynn loves her Savior and His life is manifested in her. She’s uncompromising and committed to the fullness of God’s Word. If it’s in Scripture, Lynn can find it and that’s an incredible gift to have! Take my word for it, in a debate you want her on your side. She very rarely loses.
I’ve always liked the change of seasons from summer to fall. The relief and release from the heat and the time of rest I know is soon following after a busy spring and summer are events I eagerly anticipate. But I think the greatest reason I love the transition is because of the season in my life it heralded in. No longer was I an only child, I was someone’s sister and she was mine – forever! Every October 18th I’m reminded of that wonder and I rejoice before God for His goodness to me.
Happy Birthday, my Lynnie!!
8 responses to “We interrupt the current twitterpated entries…”
Isn’t it great to have a sister Anna?! Awesome stuff! I can’t wait to have you as one of mine :o)
AWWWW!!!! That’s sweet. I love you, too, Anna! Thanks for such a tear-jerking post.
Sheesh. I was almost brought to tears myself! Nice post, and great pictures. And I concur with your comments. Most accurate I must say! Happy Birthday Lynn!!! (Who cares if it’s two weeks over, I don’t mind stretching birthday parties out! Especially if I get more cake and ice-cream!) LOL!
Very sweet post!!
-Katie and Laura
That was great Anna! Well said and, as Jarod said, accurate for sure. Maybe I’ll have you write my speech for the wedding…… Ok maybe not, but I have no idea what all I’m going to say…… of course….. that might make Jarod a little nervous. *evil laugh*Again great post and a big (late) HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNN!!!!!! Oh and Lynn, what’s it like being so old? See ya in Dec.Matt
Hi Anna! and HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY LYNNIE! Well Loveya Bye!
Hi Anna! and HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY LYNNIE! Well Loveya Bye!
Very sweet post! I can relate…my sister who is 3 years younger is my best friend. Don’t know what I’d do without her!!