Tag: principles
Youthful Parents
I was listening to the radio this morning and I heard a little snip-it: “Here’s a thought: Children are a great comfort in your old age. They will also help you reach it faster.” While this made me chuckle inside, almost immediately it also made me indignant. There is a grain of truth in the… Read more
Primary Priorities: A Word about Political Apathy
What has happened to the Christian idea about a civic duty? My wife and I were astounded by how many people we personally know that did not vote in our statewide Republican primary for president on “Super Tuesday.” Now, I am not wanting to bash these friends into the ground, because I realize there are… Read more
Of Music, Lyrics, and Songs: My Perspective
As a first real post, I thought this article might stir things up a bit. And it seems to be still relevent today. I hope it will give you something to think about. Read more