Some Summer Happenings

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In July, Zeke decided he might just try this crawling thing…

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…but at this point still spends most of his time scooting backwards! 

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Playing “Skip bo” wth Pastor.

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Zeke’s first “swim.”

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Our dear friends, the Davies, came through for a brief afternoon.  Beth has since given birth to 4th precious boy!

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…the big pool this time…and lovin’ it!

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Black berries…

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Thanks, Lynn!!

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One of the sweetest tasks on earth!

10 responses to “Some Summer Happenings”

  1. Great pictures, Anna!!  Thanks for posting them…we always like looking at Ezekiel.  🙂
    I just got all my hair chopped off, too!  Locks of Love will have some nice hair soon…   ;o)  Love you guys!
    p.s.  I sure do like that bib he’s wearing up there.

  2. Those are some cute pictures…and what a nice bib he has! 😉
    I can’t believe you cut so much of your hair! WoW.  *gasp*  Do you like it?  I was thinking about doing that to my hair (I always liked it short), but decided not to because I’m likin’ it long… 🙂 

  3. sweet!! it looks beautiful! you have amazing curls 🙂 i forgot katie told me you were thinking about donating your hair too 🙂 this is the first time i’ve had short hair since i was about 9 years old…it’s definitely different, but i like it…

  4. Oh Anna, ThANKS for sharing these wonderful pictures! Zeke has grown SO MUCH. I can’t believe all the things he is doing now – crawling, eating a variety of foods, standing up…they change so fast, don’t they?!Your hair is adorable, but I have to admit that like Laura, I gasped when I first saw that you had so much of it cut (only because I’ve never thought of you in short hair, I guess, and your hair has always been so gorgeous)! So you donated it? That is neat! Your hair is so pretty, it looks great in any cut!Looking forward to talking to you soon!

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