I have a list of blogs I check most days that I find either encouraging, inspiring or fun. One of those is www.girltalk.blogs.com and it qualifies in all three catagories. This morning what I found was quite refreshing:
Mid-Day Monday Musings
Compared to Sunday, Monday’s duties can often seem so unspiritual.
Yesterday I worshipped and received teaching at church, practiced hospitality, and had a delightful time of fellowship with new friends.
Today began at 4:45 am with a change of wet sheets. Then there was breakfast to make, a doctor to visit, a grocery store run, lost car keys to find, a splinter to extract, (lots of) correction to bring, and then lunch to prepare and clean up (er, well, it’s not actually cleaned up yet, but soon).
I’m not feeling particularly spiritual right now.
Apparently Sarah Edwards had a different (and more biblical) perspective of daily duties than I often do. When her daily business was done “as part of the service to God” Sarah noted, “it was found to be as good as prayer.”
If I truly “serve with joy and gladness” and for the glory of God, today’s work is as “spiritual” as yesterday’s worship.
“Oh how good…it is” Sarah exclaimed, “to work for God in the daytime, and at night to lie down under his smiles!”
That’s the kind of enthusiasm I should have for Monday’s chores! I must remember that I’m a forgiven sinner who now has the privilege of serving the Almighty God. And because of the perfect life and sacrificial death of His Son, Jesus Christ, I can lie down tonight (in spite of my sin) under His gracious smiles.
How’s that for motivation to do the lunch dishes?
6 responses to “Refreshing”
Thanks for sharing this post. I really needed this encouragement. I hope you’re having a great day!
@singinglynnie – I’m glad, Lynnie!
I saw this yesterday too… and was encouraged…and convicted. I think I have girl talk on my google reader…you really should check it out…that’s how I got this! Have a great day!
Good one Anna. I liked it. Especially the part about motivation for doing the dishes. ;-D haha
Nasia Anne
Yes, we can worship God while doing housework and dishes! Sarah Edwards was a wise and sensible woman.
What a wonderful way to look at a wonderful job!…Although it’s easy to forget how wonderful it is sometimes, I wouldn’t trade it for the world! Thanks for sharing!