My, How Time Flies!

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It’s so hard to believe that this week is 5 months since we were married!  What a wonderful 5 months!!  Life has settled into a sweet routine.  I love being the wife of a godly man.  I’m so grateful for the privilege to walk daily beside him.  I have the honor of knowing him as no one else ever will – the good and bad, the beautiful and ugly, the strengths and weaknesses, the dreams that drive him.  God has entrusted something very precious to me and I hope I never squander it. 

The sweet routine of our life will be even more sweetly interrupted in December when, if God wills it, we will welcome our first BABY!  There’s no way to describe the gentle excitement of it all.  There are times right now when it seems incredibly unreal.  (I say “right now” because the unrealness of it all has only started since the morning sickness has worn off.  chuckle…believe me, in the midst of that, it was all very real.)  God is so good to us!

How far behind I am…  this site’s been sitting patiently still since Nov – I should be ashamed but I’m not.  Since moving into Jarod’s home, I don’t have the easy access to a computer I did at Daddy’s, but I will try to be a little more faithful to post and to keep y’all better up-to-date.  I’ll also try, with time, to finish up our courtship story and fill you in on our wedding – one of the most precious days of our life.

My time is up, I must get a move on…

13 responses to “My, How Time Flies!”

  1. Time does fly, but I sure have been having fun with you.   Thanks for giving me your best time instead of spending it on the computer. I guess we know what you think is important…….ME!!!!    I love you darling. Can’t wait to see more posts.

  2. Anna, sweet is indeed the word to describe this stage in life. Can you believe we began sharing the experience of marriage around the same time, after all those years of waiting and wondering? God is sooo good! So happy about the coming arrival of your first baby in December. Praise God!

  3. Welcome back to Xanga!  I was so excited to hear about your baby…what a treasure.
    Thanks for being an encouragement to those of us “still in waiting”….

  4. yay anna wrote a post!!!! i’m so happy every time i think of you and jarod 🙂 and then i get even happier when i think of your new baby coming…and then i remember that i still owe katie-jo ice cream because of that baby 😉 haha…i’m so glad that God lets our lives cross paths every once in a while. i’m praying for you. have a fabulous friday…

  5. Anna, you bless my heart every time I see you – like at Nashville.  You will continue to be in my prayers.  Thank the Lord that you’re getting over the a.m. sickness-  NO FUN!    I pray the remainder of your pregnancy will be uneventful – until the big event!  God bless you!  Momma D

  6. PRAY!!! and Read your BIBLE!!! Live for JESUS!!!!!! and Follow GOD!!!!!!

    Hey Anna! How are you im so glad you started posting again. So How are ya? Are you getting more and more excited about the baby… have ya’ll figured out if it was a boy or a girl yet? Well we are moveing! i will ttyl bye!
    Loveya !

  7. Dearest Anna,
    So good to read you again here.  We’re very glad that God has given such a wonderful person to love our son.  (and to bear our grand child(ren?).  You are loved.
    Dad Hinton. 

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