I’m a Big Girl

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Mary Frei. You have to know this child. She bounds almost everywhere she goes. She smiles so much that her daddy calls her ‘smiley-girl’. Her hair is an odd combination of stick straight and curls in a mix up of red, auburn, blonde and light brown colors that try as hard as we can never quite looks “fixed”. Her eyes snap and twinkle at the same time. She’s the roughest girly girl I’ve ever known. She loves her bows and nail polish and lace and pink but is rarely ever the damsel in distress as she’s much more likely to lay her brother flat than to call for a defender. And to buy the child shoes is to waste your money.

Mary Frei came bounding into the kitchen just now and announced to her daddy, “I’m a big kid! I may sound like a little kid to you but I am actually a big kid.”

She still had to take her nap.

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