Here’s a glimpse of our first week of school. ‘Twas a few weeks later than planned due to sickness, but great fun none the less! 🙂
One thing this Momma learned the first week of school: we’ve been doing “school” these last four years!! 😉 Life is good…I am blessed…
3 responses to “First Week of School!!”
I am blessed too, by your “BLESSINGS”! Thank you so much for my card. Tell them it is proudly displayed on my refrigerator and that I love it and them!
I remember Michael Farris saying years ago, in the beginning of national home-schooling, he would not nor should not be considered a success until the next generations homeschooled! I remember how that one statement from a column he wrote resounded in me with the ever so gentle leading to generational living my God was building in my life! Thank you for blessing the grandparents with a vision they can hold close and know afresh our God reigns. While we are not doing the ‘nuts and bolts’, we get the honor of praying and watching!
Awww!!! So wonderful!! Love their gorgeous faces and spirits!!!!! <3