Fall Family Outing

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Every year our family tries to make it up to northern Georgia to get apples. It is a wonderful chance to enjoy the fall colors and weather, have a little family adventure, and get three or four bushels of apples to make apple sauce, apple jelly, apple butter, etc. We made quite the journey out of it. Come experience this with us!

We spent some time looking for a spot for a picnic, complete with picnic tables and a play ground. At about 1:00 we settled for a grassy spot outside a secluded subdivision. Turned out very nicely. It was quiet and safe, and we enjoyed our selves!

Elisha seemed to really get into it. He sure is full of smiles.

The children had a good time climbing the trees and just chasing each other in the grass. It really was very pleasant, and it reminded me of how a little creativity can turn a hum-drum location into a great family memory. It’s funny how we always seem to seek the spectacular, but it is the simpler things that bring us the most lasting joy.

“Watch this Daddy!” How I love to hear that. 🙂

After about three hours in the car we arrived at our favorite little apple stand, just across the border into South Carolina. They sell apple cider, apple jellies, fried apple pies, and many other fun treats of the season. We spent about an hour there.

The children (and, truth be told, Anna too) enjoyed picking a bag full of apples. They picked some of the very best apples, and had a wonderful time walking through the small orchard.

The Picker’s Parade

Sharing fried apple pies together. I really like Ezekiel’s expression. Elisha did get some, just not in this picture.  🙂

Six bushels purchased and loaded. We get a good enough deal on the apple’s themselves to make the trip worth it financially. But I’d have to say that the trip is “worth it” for many other reasons than just the savings. Memory building, having fun together, enjoying life together…these things are what helps families stick together during the hard times. It builds relationships and encourages family harmony.

And I could not end this post without pointing out that while I was the chauffeur for this journey, this lovely woman was the brains and creativity behind it all.  My dear wife makes me better as a father, as a husband, and as a man. She improves my life in every area, and I am deeply blessed to have such a woman by my side.

I’d encourage everyone to consider something like this to make a regular part of your family life.   God bless your day!

3 responses to “Fall Family Outing”

  1. My only criticism: Where is that lovely picture of your bride? Other than that one question, you are a good father and y’all are some of the greatest parents we will ever know! Thanks for sharing!!

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