Clumsiness, Snakes and Seminars

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I’m sore y’all… Monday evening upon arriving home I stopped to let the chickens out of their moveable pens (we call them “chicken tractors”) which are in the side-pasture.  In my attempt to dart through the electric fence, my flip-flop got hung and I hit the ground.  It was a sight, I’m sure!  I didn’t think it was a big deal (I’m rather clutsy, so some falling is routine) until I realized my right shoulder had dug out the ground 2-3 inches.  I was surprised I didn’t hurt.  That was until I woke up limping Tuesday morning.  I’m too young to already be experiencing delayed aches and pains!!  Amazingly so, my shoulder doesn’t hurt at all, but I must’ve pulled something in my leg between the fence and the ground.  Now, thankfully, in the Lord’s mercy, the electric fence wasn’t on.  That would be something: a pulled leg and a blister on the bottom of my foot!  What a thought!    (I do have some interesting fence stories, but I’ll save them for another day. )

After that episode, I went out right at dark to lock up the chicken pens to prevent predators.  The moon was already up and quite bright, so though I had a flashlight with me, I wasn’t using it.  On the way back up our sand and gravel driveway I stepped and suddenly realized it wasn’t a stick.  AHHAHH!!!  Now it must be completely understood, I did not scream!  However, I did jump at least 3 feet to the right in 0.4 seconds!  By now the flashlight was on (duh!) and my fears were confirmed, it was a rattler.  Every muscle in my body began quivering.  His tail was straight in the air and his head was very…well, lets just say I had his full attention.  I can confirm the curse is still very real; I felt nothing but “enmity” toward this slithering creature and knew there was no way my heel was coming down on his head (the thought did cross my mind – I guess that’s where this country girl draws the line).  I got back to the house, stammering and my sister, eager for any reason to shoot the shotgun, headed out the door.  (She’s a great shot guys, don’t mess with her.)  Unfortunately, that’s where the story ends.  In the 3 mins. it took us to get back out there it had hightailed it somewhere else.  I sure hope it stays there.    

This past week, I’ve had the opportunity to attend the Basic Seminar at a local church.  I have been so encouraged and challenged.  It’s so different seeing it as an adult compared to my 15-16 year old eyes years ago.  So many times I’ve sat there thinking “oh, that’s it.  That’s what’s been missing….”  It’s really like sitting under a water fountain with my mouth open trying to get a drink, there’s just so much.  Several things specifically have stood out.  The teaching on Authority, especially surrendering expectations that bind my relationship with them; the levels of friendships, I need to review that regularly.  I’m so relational that it’s easy for me to think a relationship is deeper than it really is.  The teaching on going the “second mile” to restore joy and genuine love after bitterness is so incredible.  I never thought of it in that light before.  I knew our natural ways are not God’s ways, but I just never thought of that application before… 

There is so much and I could keep going but it’s time to lock up the chickens (the flashlight will be on tonight ) and feed the horses/goats.  Plus, my family’s watching the Hallmark movie “What the Deaf Man Heard” and I’d like to catch the end.  It’s a great movie and a family favorite.  I highly recommend it. 

5 responses to “Clumsiness, Snakes and Seminars”

  1. You stepped on a RATTLER!!!! :suprised: You are lucky to be alive Ms. Full-Moon-is-Plenty-of-Light!!! Apparently it’s more dangerous to go down your drive way than it is to travel to Kansas!

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