Category: Leadership

  • The Biblical and Practical reasons I’m voting for Ted Cruz!

    The Biblical and Practical reasons I’m voting for Ted Cruz!
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    Why I’m Endorsing Ted Cruz By Jarod Hinton Dear Friends, Family, Countrymen….lend me your ears! Most people that know me are aware that I have chosen to vote for Ted Cruz in the Republican primary race for President of the United States. What is not commonly known are the reasons behind this decision. It is… Read more

  • The Meaning of America

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    I know that there is a lot to be concerned about in our nation. There is no doubt that our society is headed for great destruction. Anyone with half a conscience can see the wholesale moral corruption of our land. I am genuinely and understandably concerned about the future of our entire society. But I… Read more

  • My father…

    Well, a day late but hopefully not a dollar short. My father was a man of several faults, which he would willingly admit, …but I have seen those faults lessen and even disappear over time. That is better than I can say of many other men. The ability to admit you’re wrong and then change… Read more

  • Clinging to my Gun and my Religion

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    A few words that I hope will be encouraging to those of us that are very disappointed (to put it mildly) in the outcome of last night’s election. Honestly, I’m stunned. I was very confident Romney would win, and that we would stave off the judgement of God a little longer. I was certain evil… Read more

  • A Socialist Exposed


    Anyone who cares about our country needs to read this article. We need to pass this around folks. America needs to know the real man behind the “Resolute Desk”. Scary stuff. This is why we need to be involved as Christians in the public/political arena. We need to stop people like this. They are here,… Read more

  • A man who means what he says


    Here is an article from Dr. Albert Mohler, one of the leading conservative evangelical voices in the world today. I like Dr. Mohler’s courage to speak up and take a stand on important issues relating to our culture and the Church in our western world. Even if his theology is not my own in every area,… Read more

  • Spurgeon Quote

    Found in a larger article by the late Dr. Henry Morris on the ICR website: “We must defend the Faith, for what would have become of us if our fathers had not maintained it?…Must we not play the man as they did? If we do not, are we not censuring our Fathers? It is very… Read more

  • A Preacher’s Defense

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    I wish to say a few words in defense of a man whom I love very much, and respect as a spiritually wise and loving minister. This man has been attacked in recent days, by the unrelenting “rumor mill”, as being “unloving” and a “cult leader”. I wish to address these accusations specifically, for I… Read more