Category: Controversial
The Biblical and Practical reasons I’m voting for Ted Cruz!
Why I’m Endorsing Ted Cruz By Jarod Hinton Dear Friends, Family, Countrymen….lend me your ears! Most people that know me are aware that I have chosen to vote for Ted Cruz in the Republican primary race for President of the United States. What is not commonly known are the reasons behind this decision. It is… Read more
The Meaning of America
I know that there is a lot to be concerned about in our nation. There is no doubt that our society is headed for great destruction. Anyone with half a conscience can see the wholesale moral corruption of our land. I am genuinely and understandably concerned about the future of our entire society. But I… Read more
Clinging to my Gun and my Religion
A few words that I hope will be encouraging to those of us that are very disappointed (to put it mildly) in the outcome of last night’s election. Honestly, I’m stunned. I was very confident Romney would win, and that we would stave off the judgement of God a little longer. I was certain evil… Read more
A Generic Weapon
“With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;” (Eph. 4:2) My mentor in college, Mike Davis, used to emphasize the importance of defining terms. “Define your terms” he would say multiple times a week. There is a term used often among Christendom which I think is being improperly, or at the… Read more
ICR – That’s a Fact
Here is a great video from ICR. (Institute for Creation Research) It gives us a grasp for how far-fetched evolution really is. It is only 1:41 so it won’t take much of your day. Check it out! Read more
What Liberals really think about us
This is a battle of ideas, and they are diametrically opposed to each other. She can’t get along with limited, constitutional government ideas because all her ideas are based on something completely opposite, like “let the government make our lives better no matter how big it gets.” So here is just a taste of the… Read more
The Accusation
I’ve heard the accusation all my life: “Isn’t that a cult?” “[So-and-so] is a cult organization.” “Yeah, that’s just a cult.” To be honest, I’m sick of it. How is a cult defined? Why is this accusation thrown around so easily? It seems that when one side doesn’t have any logical argument to make, they… Read more
The Movie of Great Importance
If you are breathing, you probably need to see this movie! I’ve mentioned this before, but maybe saying it again will add more emphasis to what I’m saying. These are serious days, and we must be aware of the dangers we face. Ultimately, I think God is judging our land for abandoning his principles. God… Read more
A Preacher’s Defense
I wish to say a few words in defense of a man whom I love very much, and respect as a spiritually wise and loving minister. This man has been attacked in recent days, by the unrelenting “rumor mill”, as being “unloving” and a “cult leader”. I wish to address these accusations specifically, for I… Read more
Of Music, Lyrics, and Songs: My Perspective
As a first real post, I thought this article might stir things up a bit. And it seems to be still relevent today. I hope it will give you something to think about. Read more