“A year ago today, you and I were on our way back from our first visit to your family’s,” I told my husband this morning at breakfast. That’s the kind of comments he’s had to live with for the entire last month! And though he teases me, I can tell he likes the fact that I’ve not forgotten. What a year it’s been!!
For the anniversary of our engagement, Jarod and I spent the day at Stone Mountain. After a slow hike up, and a light picnic lunch at the top, Jarod, who was resting in the shade of a pine, asked me to guess what surprise he might have for me. I’m such a dim whit… He was wearing the same pair of cargo pants as last year and sure enough, had another surprise for me hidden in one of the multiple pockets (though this time I was even more surprised, as I was hoping for a certain ring anyday last year and not expecting anything this year).
Isn’t it beautiful? (The bottom one is still my favorite, though.)
The spot where Jarod asked me to marry him! And the small tree under which we ate this year and he gave me the emerald ring.
11 responses to “A Month of Memories”
It’s BEAUTIFUL! I’ve been reminscing lately, as well. So many wonderful things have happened in both our lives this past year.
How precious to let us in on the special moments of your lives together! Thanks & love to you guys! Momma D
YAY!! An Update!!!! Love you…so glad to hear some more about that day…
awww…i love you anna! haha i hope all is going well with the little one inside you 🙂
aww how sweet!
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aww…way to go Jarod… 🙂 have a great time wearing your nice new ring.
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What in the world? uhh…
I think I’m in SHOCK though…ANNA POSTED!! Nice one. Thanks for the pictures. I was thinking the same thing you were the other day (Anna came to “get to know us” last October)
Hey, did you guys get the package we sent yet? 😉
Love ya – Laura
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Aww..what a sweet husband you have ;o)
~ Krissy
Thanks Anna; I REALLY liked that post! Lord willing you guys will be able to see us (and we you) in a few weeks! God BLESS ( to you, Jarod and the BABY)!
Aunt Hannah
And pretty soon, baby will make 3. What a wonderful way to spend your engagement anniversary. I’m so proud and happy for both of you!